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Account Transactions

As depicted in the Overview, transactions are a product of Transfers and Card activity. However, they are directly tied to Accounts and can be looked up by accountId.

FinTech App

Within the FinTech Application you can pull up transactional history for an account by calling our Transaction List API.

GET /accounts/{accountId}/transactions
"page": {
"nextOffset": 2,
"totalElements": 3
"links": {
"next": {
"href": "/accounts/1044051130/transactions?offSet=2&limit=10"
"transactions": [
"depositTransaction": {
"accountId": "1044051130",
"additionalInformation": [
"key": "usage",
"value": "MONETARY"
"key": "direction",
"value": "RECEIVING"
"amount": 5.0,
"availableBalance": 9942.0,
"category": "ACH",
"debitCreditMemo": "CREDIT",
"description": "ACH Credit Receive XXXX1130 Conf#: XXXX36e9",
"fiAttributes": [],
"imageIds": [],
"lineItem": [
"description": "CounterpartyEntity",
"imageIds": [],
"links": [],
"reference": "1044051130 "
"links": [],
"memo": "ABC Corporation|02600959|DES: ePay0001|vah|01|******1130|PPD|",
"postedTime": "2024-09-05T00:00:00",
"postedTimestamp": "2024-09-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"reference": "8d297488-cff2-49b0-9dbd-baaae75e1f03",
"referenceTransactionId": "8vagIIYweDF4VMMuT8tH9E",
"status": "POSTED",
"transactionId": "Cn7mm7cDKLZ0FwquZp9K1H",
"transactionTime": "2024-09-05T11:16:04",
"transactionTimestamp": "2024-09-05T11:16:04.000Z",
"transactionType": "DIRECTDEPOSIT"
"depositTransaction": {
"accountId": "1044051130",
"additionalInformation": [
"key": "usage",
"value": "MONETARY"
"key": "direction",
"value": "ORIGINATING"
"amount": 20.0,
"availableBalance": 9935.0,
"category": "ACH",
"debitCreditMemo": "DEBIT",
"description": "SameDay ACH Payment (PPD) XXXX5414 Conf#: XXXXdc95",
"fiAttributes": [],
"imageIds": [],
"lineItem": [
"description": "CounterpartyEntity",
"imageIds": [],
"links": [],
"reference": "10945414"
"links": [],
"memo": "ACH Payment",
"postedTime": "2024-09-03T00:00:00",
"postedTimestamp": "2024-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"reference": "8d297488-cff2-49b0-9dbd-baaae75e1f03",
"referenceTransactionId": "ISRPDGLvxAx3zBlLszEQxf",
"status": "POSTED",
"transactionId": "7D8BrDCqmMkK2ziRfB3n6u",
"transactionTime": "2024-09-03T07:29:51",
"transactionTimestamp": "2024-09-03T07:29:51.000Z",
"transactionType": "DIRECTDEBIT"
"depositTransaction": {
"accountId": "1044051130",
"additionalInformation": [
"key": "usage",
"value": "FEES"
"key": "direction",
"value": "ORIGINATING"
"amount": 5.0,
"availableBalance": 9935.0,
"category": "OTHER",
"debitCreditMemo": "DEBIT",
"description": "SAMEDAYACH Fee for transaction #: 1HqUqvyzCDr7jS30Y1qQ2H",
"fiAttributes": [],
"imageIds": [],
"lineItem": [
"description": "CounterpartyEntity",
"imageIds": [],
"links": [],
"reference": "10945414"
"links": [],
"memo": "SAMEDAYACH Fee",
"postedTime": "2024-09-03T00:00:00",
"postedTimestamp": "2024-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"reference": "8d297488-cff2-49b0-9dbd-baaae75e1f03",
"referenceTransactionId": "1HqUqvyzCDr7jS30Y1qQ2H",
"status": "POSTED",
"transactionId": "6GZv7LORxGq8SYfk2g7IUU",
"transactionTime": "2024-09-03T07:29:48",
"transactionTimestamp": "2024-09-03T07:29:48.000Z",
"transactionType": "FEE"

This will pull back an array list of transactions across different payment rails for a particular account and can be filtered by various query parameters.

Review our API References: for more details.

In the Console you can view the Transaction History in the Payment Hub, for a list of all transactions across the Program or you can navigate ito an Account and review the transaction history just for that account.

Payment Hub

Here Compliance and Program Management teams can track down transactions that are being investigated with ease.


In Consumer or Business Accounts a CSR can easily track down a transaction for a customer that has called in and help answer any of their inquiries.

Account Limits
Account Statements